#12: CVRPG Six, Part 2
This Comic's Cast:
- Alec Prelude (Purple)
- Alexander Belmont
- Alucard
- Amelia
- Andrew Claypool
- Angel
- Blacula
- Chanukah Alec
- Claude Jones
- Claudette
- Cornell
- Cornell II
- Country Gnoll
- Crono
- Cynthia Redmond
- Darkmoon
- Donatello
- Elder God
- Elizabeth Bartley
- Eric Smith
- Frankie
- Gertie
- Golem
- Hanz Belmont
- Jack O'Ren
- Justine Prelude
- Katrina D'Sorciere
- Leonardo
- Maria Renard
- Michaelangelo
- Mimi Sandford
- Mummy
- Necromancer
- Olrox (Mirror)
- Raphael
- Raye
- Richter Belmont
- Richter Belmont II
- Santa Alec
- Sasha
- Shaft (Mirror)
- Shredder
- Simon Belmont
- Solstice Alec
- Sprockets
- The Sparkles
- Thereshiri
- Trevor Belmont
And now the last comic in this set. This one was actually much shorter, not only because the arc was only 300 comics (give or take) long but also because there was a lot I could cut. Much of that was because this last arc was spaced out to waste exactly the number of strips to get us to 4,000 exactly in the main archive. As such I put in stuff that wasn't so much essential as simply fun for the archive.
The meat of what I cut came in the middle of the arc when the three teams head to the three planets to find the three gems. All of that, plus Gertie's arc dealing with the two alien races, was 150 comics combined. I took that down to 20 total panels. Nice and tight, and while we lose a lot of the color we don't lose the intent (which is the point here). And, of course, the rest of it came out of the end battles with the Elder God, which was well paced in the main archive but inessential in its entirety here.
Sadly, one thing we really lost was a lot of the character development, such as the romance between Darkmoon and Cynthia. Character development (as that stupid post stated) is "inessential" so I largely ignored it here if it didn't motivate the actual plot. Sorry, Cyn, but your romance hit the cutting room floor.
And then the last thing I did was cram every character that hadn't shown up in these Essential comics into one last panel, just because. Essential? No, but it was funny.
But with that...
When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...
These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...
They actually do something heroic.