#228: Bad Day
So I was coming back from work when this rabid jackrabbit dashed out in front of the car. This isn't much of a surprise as, where I live, rabbid jackrabbits lurk everywhere. Seriously, we have alarms setup specifically designed to detect, and ward off, rabid jackrabbits. Normal jackrabbits (those that don't froth at the mouth) are safe from the alarms, but considering the fact that the rabid ones are so much faster and kill or infect all the normal jackrabbits, well, plainly few normal jackrabbits ever come by for a chance to not set off the alarms.
As it was, this one specific jackrabbit dashed out in front of my car, quite quickly and leaving me with little time to actually swerve my car -- a red Ford Mustang with a wicked racing stripe. It's a great car if you want to look like a pretentious prick, revving the engine in a knowing way like "fuck yeah, I totally am gonna tear off from the intersection, scaring all the other drivers, any random pedestrians, and the occasional rabid jackrabbits who were lurking nearby to attack panhandlers." Although, really, rabid jackrabbits are hard to scare, so I don't know how successful I am in that part of the endeavor.
So, yes, jackrabbit (of the rabid persuasion) dashed out in front of my awesome car, and the little fucker totally looked me right in the eye right before my car passed over the top of him. It was a moment, an angry moment as if to accuse me of driving too fast, even though my Mustang totally could have gone much faster through the residential area this jackrabbit was stalking -- I mean, I was only going 80 (out of respect for the school kids who were walking home).
The jackrabbit went under the car, and I didn't hear a thump. I expected a thump, or maybe a couple of little bumps, but there was nothing. No sound at all. When I looked back in my rearview mirror, the jackrabbit was there, hunched up in the road. He looked up, met my gaze in the mirror, and then stalked off.
So, why was I so angry? The little bastard planted a tracking device on my car! He was totally going to track me down later and kill me in my sleep. I could tell this because he also left a note pinned to the tracker saying that "I plan to find you later and kill you in your sleep."
It's a good thing I have those jackrabbit alarms.
Does anyone notice how much the drawing of me looks like Jesus? It's nice to see Jesus rocking the poorly drawn mullet.
When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...
These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...
They actually do something heroic.