The (More Than) Complete Cast of CVRPG
Heroes, Villains, Low-lives, and Agents of Leisure

Archangel and (Former) Goddess
Once, when the universe was forming (getting all it's primordial dust and ooze all up in the Big Bang's shit), the Gods were just ideas. Figments of figments, potential to become something potentially. Then the Big Band happened, reality formed and (depending on your view of time and space) the world quickly formed. Life happened, cells at first and then eventually animals. And through it all the gods watched.
Depending on the animals that "ruled" the planet, the gods were different things. The single-cell organisms, they were a shadowy presence floating just to the side of the go. For the dinosaurs, the gods were great hulking beasts, feeding on the world as if they owned it (since they kind of did).
And then humans came along, made the gods into their own image (despite attributing it the other way around). The humans invented religion, organized philosophies that described the world, and in doing so they defined their gods, gave them true shape and form, locked them in.
But the gods could still change. Once, pantheons of gods were the norm, so the various gods all had equal billing, shared duties. Over time, monotheism took ahold of a greater share of the populace, so one god was promoted (to God) and others naturally morphed into other forms.
And thus we get to Damaris, once one of the mightest of the goddesses, and then demoted to archangel. Still a plum position, to be sure, but not something she was too happy about.
Personality Details:
Although Damaris still wields a fair bit of power (angels aren't powerless), she's not the high ruler of all existence. No, her plans, one way or another, are the eventually take over the universe and rule it again, all the other gods and angels and devils be damned.
Let's all be thankful that, so far, this power-mad angel hasn't succeeded. If she did, who knows what it would do to the universe.

First Appearance: #102: A Religious Experience
Last Appearance: #1215: Back with the Potion

Xavier "D" Darkmoon
Some heroes venture out into the world as a way of protecting the innocent, the needy, the poor and the weak. Others go out in the name of protecting ideas, such as truth, justice, and the Romanian way (plainly Romanian heroes are the ones that normally do this -- spies and double agents do this as well, but they aren't always called "heroes"... some get the less happy name of "traitors" or "schmucks"). Still others do it because they have a limited skill-set with which to make a name in the world, and what better way to put their ability to beat people to a bloody pulp with their pinky than to do it in the name of "heroics".
Still, a few others do it to earn a little money, gain a little fame, curry the favor of the local barmaids, and clear the soul of the sins one may have gathered during the times they were possessed by a demonic force.
Of that last group, Xavier Darkmoon (Darkmoon, or just D, to his friends) is a member. Once a vampire working for Dracula (a man that needs no introductions), Darkmoon happened upon a gypsy camp and had his soul restored (soul goes in, demon comes out). Having a soul, he didn't feel it was right to just continue working for Dracula. Instead, he went out into the world to find his own way -- one preferably that didn't involve working for evil vampire lords.
Being a hero seemed to be the best way to do this, and clear some of the sins of his newly-restored soul. Heroism, as a job, allowed for Darkmoon to mix with the masses, find the wrongs that needed righting, fight the bad that was feeding on the good.
And yes, to make a quick buck. Darkmoon does like money.
Personality Details:
Having a soul doesn't really change the underlying person. Humans have souls and are still able to do terrible things. Darkmoon isn't really that different. He tries to do good, but doesn't always succeed. While he works to be a good person, he's still a bit of a coward, prone to running when others might fight. "Live to run another day," is his reasoning.
He is also a greedy sort. As a vampire he doesn't have a lot of need for cash, but that doesn't stop him from hoarding it. Money does come in handy, sure, greases wheels, curries favors... buys women out of their dresses.
Everyone has their motivations.

First Appearance: CVRPG Preview Poster
Last Appearance: #12: CVRPG Six, Part 2

Darkmoon (Mirror)
The Darkmoon of Earth 2
Some people venture out into the world as a way of making a buck off the innocent, the needy, and the weak. Others go out in the name of to see the world, the visit cool places and taste the local cuisine (and, in the case of vampires such as Darkmoon, "cuisine" is short for "populace"). Still others do it because they have a limited skill-set with which to make a name in the world, and what better way to put their ability to beat people to a bloody pulp with their pinky than to do it in the name of "adventure".
Still, a few others do it for all those reasons and more -- the money, the fame, the favor of the local barmaids, and the power. Oh the power. No one earns all those things and more like an adventurer, one who's good at their job and can kick ass and take names (of kick names and take ass -- many are flexible on the particulars).
Of that last group, Xavier Darkmoon (Darkmoon, or just D, to his friends -- his enemies don't call him anything since they've already had their throats bitten out) is a member. Once a vampire working for Dracula (a man that needs no introductions), Darkmoon found a way to steal Dracula's powers and became the new lord of Romania. Arguably Darkmoon was better at the job than Dracula has ever been since, free to follow the plans he'd developed watching Dracula's repeated defeats, Darkmoon knew exactly what to do. Specially: kill all the Belmonts. Being an indescriminate killing machine, Darkmoon gathered around him the best warriors he could find to go out into the world and find every hero, every other adventurer, every fame-hungry soldier and either bring them to the fold or kill them.
Sure, Darkmoon is still and adventurer -- that's not the kind of thing that ever truly gets out of your blood (and vampires know all about blood). Even now he still goes out into the world to see the sights, to mee the populace, to sample the local cuisine. It can get very stuffy in a castle, and Darkmoon loves the fresh air.
Plus, it's never too late to make a quick buck. Darkmoon does like money.
Personality Details:
Being a soulless vampire suprisingly doesn't much change the underlying person. Humans have souls and are still able to do terrible things. Darkmoon isn't really that different. He may be evil but that's just because he's giving in to his basest instincts as a human. Human or vampire, evil is still evil.
But that doesn't mean he just goes looking for trouble. He may be evil but he's not stupid, and he knows when a fight is lost -- on his mind running when others might fight isn't cowardace, it's just smart strategy. "Live to run another day," is his reasoning.
He is also a greedy sort. As a vampire he doesn't have a lot of need for cash, but that doesn't stop him from hoarding it. Money does come in handy, sure, greases wheels, curries favors... buys women out of their dresses.
Everyone has their motivations.

First Appearance: #335: The End in Sight?
Last Appearance: #10: CVRPG Six, Part 1

The Grim Reaper
Death is not a man. He is not even, technically, alive. Death is the "creature" that people believe takes their souls to the afterlife -- a force personified. He has many forms, although his most well-known is certainly that of the Skeleton in robes (sometimes seen riding a pale horse) as popularized by Western culture.
Would Death have existed if people didn't believe in him? Possibly, although the likelihood is that he would look drastically different, if he had a physical form at all.
He is timeless, beginning without end. He is of all places, of all times. He can be anywhere, any when, witness any death, see any battle, take part in any war.
He also cooks a pretty mean barbeque.
Death's purpose is to collect souls and usher them to wherever they are supposed to go (Heaven, Hell, Asgard, etc.). This task, however, has never kept Death very busy (he's very good at his job). During his idle moments, Death works as a guard for Dracula, using the opportunity to usher new souls to their final destination.
One could wonder why it is that Death works for someone instead of just doing his motivated soul-taking on his own time. Death would respond that he prefers the motivation and oversight as provided from a guided workplace environment.
He also likes the dental plan offered by Dracula.
Personality Details:
Aside from collecting souls, Death is interested in studying mortals. As one of the few true immortals, Death finds the whole concept of mortality to be confusing. Why people can't simply go on existing, as Death does, confounds his whole thought process.
But then he also can't understand why people are unable to see all of time and space at once, and know everything that has happened, is happening, will happen, and could potentially never happen. He accepts this as a weakness of mortals, but it's still not something he truly understands.
When encountered, Death likes to make battles fair. He knows everything that will happen, so it's not as if he couldn't win any fight he chose. He instead focuses on the now, and balances himself out power-wise, shifting his form to something that could, potentially, be defeated.
Not that battling him is supposed to be easy. Just more fair.

First Appearance: CVRPG Introduction #2: More About Dracula
Last Appearance: #7: CVRPG IV

There was once a young boy in New York. He went into a pet store and bought four turtles. Exiting the toy store, a truck nearly ran into him, causing him to drop his turtles. A canister of waste rolled off the truck, following the turtles in the sewer. The turtles were bathed in the waste, which was actually a mutagenic ooze, cuaing them to mutate. They gained increased intelligence and size, taking on humanoid form. Trained by their master (a humanoid rat named Splinter who was also caught in the ooze), they became ninja masters. They made it their goal to keep their city safe from all the threats the police were ill-equipped to handle.
While the other turtles proved adept at ninjitsu in their own ways, Donnie showed an aptitude for technology. He was able to learn all about the tech he could find, molding and adapting it into new weapons and items the turtles were able to use in their pursuit of their sworn duty. He become their tinkerer, their master weapon smith, their collective Q.
Donnie wasn't just good with technology -- he was an absolute genius. Scoring way off the charts (not that he was ever formally tested), he was the smartest of the turtles and able to think his way around situations the others couldn't see coming. When they'd deal with Shredder (their arch nemesis) and Krang (his sorta-boss) at the Technodrome (a big, round, alien tank), it was Donnie that figured out how to disable the defenses of the vehicle and take down the threat. He was the one that figured out the secrets of the ooze, learned how to undo the nasty beasts Shredder would constantly send their way.
Sadly, though, he's yet to master the lessons of the heart.
Personality Details:
As the "smart" turtle, Donnie is often found in his workshop, putting together new tech. He does love to spend time with the rest of the guys, just hanging out, but often when the others are practicing their ninjitsu, Donnie is practicing his tech-fu. It's his skill, and he's damn good at it.
It's when April (the ravishing reporter who knows of the turtles' secret existence) comes over though that Donnie gets all confused. Some of the turtles think Donnie has a crush on their human friend, but out favorite turtle in purple has yet to admit to it.

First Appearance: DSWC Villains Introduction #13: The Lustrous Chrome Dome
Last Appearance: #12: CVRPG Six, Part 2

Vlad Tepes
Editor's Note: Dracula's exact age is not known, as the Castlevania series makes it rather ambiguous as to if the Dracula we know is actually the Dracula from history or if it's some imposter who has taken over that identity. We choose to think Dracula is Dracula and ignore everything else.
Centuries ago, Dracula was once the ruler of a small Eastern European country, Wallachia. He fought everyone else to take over his land, slaughtered troops, boyars, and nobles alike if they stood in his way (or at one point had ever stood in his way, no matter how long ago that might have been). A cunning military mind, Dracula was also a cruel, vengeful dictator.
Needless to say, becoming an evil vampire didn't change his disposition much. Didn't even really get rid of his lack-of-conscience, as he plainly didn't have much of one to begin with.
Regardless, Dracula the evil vampire continued to reign over his territory for a time, until he was defeated by Trevor Belmont, one of a clan of vampire hunters sworn to hunt vampires (duh). Every few years Dracula would come back, then a Belmont (or other vampire hunter) would come along and defeat the vampire again.
In and around all these shenanigans, Dracula fell in love and married a human woman, a local healer named Lisa. They had a child together, Alucard (who would grow up to be a vampire hunter -- daddy issues?)... and then the local villagers killed Lisa.
If Dracula hadn't been sworn to evil before, he was after that. He set out his goal to take over the world, subjugate the humans, and kill them off (although what this would have done for his food supply is anyone's guess).
So far he's been unsuccessful.
Personality Details:
Dracula is a bad, bad man. He's also gay now. The two details are not related. One may wonder how it is that a gay man fell in love with a woman, got married, had a kid, and yet is still totally gay (he is so fabulous). We choose not to judge his personal life.
As a soulless vampire (with a flair for style), Dracula has certain gifts he can use in battle. He is able to tap into Hellfire magic, a combination of Dark and Fire-based magics. He also has some limited control over Air magic, used specifically for lightning bolts and other lightning-based attacks.
Additionally, Dracula has a couple of forms he can shift into: mist, bat, and demon. The demon form occurs when he has been damaged enough and has to shift into this final form (like a Limit Break in the Final Fantasy series).

First Appearance: DSWC Villains Introduction #1: How to Introduce a Spin-Off
Last Appearance: #7: CVRPG IV